Let's Participate

Scadenza per aderire: Dom 24 Settembre alle ore 11

Luogo: Alcobendas, Spagna

Date del progetto: 05 - 09 Ottobre 2017

Nr. partecipanti: 1

Età: 18

Tema: Seminario sulla partecipazione giovanile attiva


The principal objective of this project is to share the good practice on youth participation based on Erasmus + and background experience. We would like to work with you principally the following topics:
- Meaning of youth participation
- New tools of participation
- Media and participation, focus on social networks
- Inclusion
The idea is not to have a training about Youth participation, is to build together strategies of youth participation at European level, having in mind that in the last years there is a drop of the young people participating in the activities and also in the European project abroad, and looking for the more inclusive participative ways. We would like to start with a project result, the document that 20 young from Romania, Sweden and Spain worked together analyzing the “Do's and don'ts on Youth participation”.


Per candidarsi, inviare la Domanda di partecipazione compilata a: adesioni@vicolocorto.org

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